Face Pain, Facial Pain, Trigeminal Neuralgia, Natural ReliefDo you or a family member suffer from searing, stabbing facial pain? Finding a proper relief plan can be difficult; many providers are not familiar with the signs and symptoms of trigeminal neuralgia. Approximately 150,000 people are diagnosed with trigeminal neuralgia every year. (1) The trigeminal nerve is made up of 3 different branches that are responsible for sensation on the face. An attack can occur over any of these three branches (1)

  • First branch – Over the eye, forehead
  • Second branch – Upper jaw, upper gums, lower eyelid, cheek
  • Third branch – Lower jaw, lower gums, some chewing muscles


What is the cause?

The exact cause of trigeminal neuralgia is unknown; however, it is theorized that there is pressure on the trigeminal nerve, causing it to misfire. It is thought that some trigeminal neuralgia sufferers may have an abnormally placed artery causing the pressure. (2) Many trigeminal neuralgia patients want to seek out alternative options before considering long-term medications and surgery.


A noninvasive option 

Your atlas (top bone in your neck) may be the reason your trigeminal nerve is misfiring. Your spinal cord helps send and receive signals to and from your trigeminal nerve. (3) When the atlas misaligns, it causes tension in the spinal cord. This leads to improper firing of nerves, which may cause facial pain and muscle spasm.

Dr. Cook is trained in Blair Technique. Blair is utilized to detect atlas misalignments. Dr. Cook delivers a specific, gentle correction tailored to each patient’s unique misalignment. Through this correction, the atlas is realigned, allowing for proper nerve function. Over time, this may lead to a reduction of trigeminal neuralgia symptoms.

In a case study by Grochowski, a 58-year-old female suffered from trigeminal neuralgia for six years. She was found to have an atlas misalignment and received specific atlas corrections over the course of nine weeks. By the end of her initial care plan, she had no trigeminal neuralgia attacks. (4)

If you would like to know more about trigeminal neuralgia and our approach here at Upper Cervical Chiropractic of San Diego, give us a call at (858) 577-0662.


  1. Aans.org. The American Association of Neurological Surgeons
    [Internet]. 2012 [cited 9 November 2015]. Available from:https://www.aans.org/patient%20information/conditions%20and%20treatments/trigeminal%20neuralgia.aspx
  2. Rubin M. Trigeminal Neuralgia – Brain Spinal Cord and Nerve Disorders [Internet]. Merck Manuals Consumer Version. 2015 [cited 10 November 2015]. Available from: https://www.merckmanuals.com/home/brain-spinal-cord-and-nerve-disorders/cranial-nerve-disorders/trigeminal-neuralgia
  3. Barakos JA, D’Amour PA, Dillon WP, Newton TH. Trigeminal sensory neuropathy caused by cervical disc herniation. AJNR 1990; 11:609 [Medline]  https://www.ajronline.org/doi/ref/10.2214/ajr.176.1.1760247
  4. Grochowski J. Resolution of trigeminal neuralgia following upper cervical care: a case study. J Upper Cerv Chiro Res [Internet]. 2013 [cited 10 November 2015];2013(Feb):20-24. Available from: https://uppercervicalsubluxation.sharepoint.com/Pages/2013_1245_trigeminal.aspx


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