migraine reliefFinding effective migraine relief is a top priority for anyone experiencing the throbbing or pulsating sensation in the head. Medications can offer some reprieve while one is undergoing an episode. However, unless the underlying cause of migraines is addressed, they will continue to occur. The good news is that there is a safe, natural, pain-free alternative to medication that has help may to break free from migraines.


Why A Migraine Occurs

A connection has been seen between migraine headaches and previous head trauma. This can be due to such things as:

  • Motor vehicle accidents
  • A trip and fall
  • Whiplash
  • Any injury that impacts the head or neck
To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and migraine download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below. Free Migraine Ebook

We can also add birth to this list. The birthing process can cause one to have a misalignment in the upper neck. This is often the result of using forceps, having a C-section, or the natural birthing process itself if the head is turned at an odd angle.

Migraines are usually a late stage complication of a misalignment in the neck. This means that the trauma to the head or neck may have happened many years ago, and could just be manifesting itself now. It is often hard to remember the exact incident that caused the problem because it was so far in the past.


Migraine Relief with Upper Cervical Chiropractic

A misalignment in one of the top two bones of the neck can place pressure on the brainstem, causing it no longer to work properly. This can result in pinched nerves and problems in other areas of the body, as well. I have been specially trained to find these small misalignments. I then develop a care plan for each individual patient to work toward correcting the problem. Using a gentle method to help the bones of the neck to move back into their original position means there is none of the cracking or twisting of the spine associated with general chiropractic. Once the misalignment is corrected, the brainstem can begin properly communicating with the body, and migraines may lessen in frequency and severity or even go away completely.


To schedule a consultation with Upper Cervical Chiropractic San Diego, call 858-434-5926 or just click the button below.

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If you are outside of the local area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at www.uppercervicalawareness.com.