Recently, the film and martial arts legend Bruce Lee would have celebrated his 80th birthday. Friends and fans from around the world flooded social media with greetings and tributes. Sports icons like L.A. Lakers veteran Kareem Abdul Jabbar and boxing great Sugar Ray Leonard posted videos talking about Bruce Lee’s greatness.

To his millions of fans, Lee is the symbol of a perfect fighter. His superb physique, personal philosophy, and unparalleled martial arts skills make him one of the world’s most admired personalities.

Not many know, however, that Lee once suffered from severe back pain. During one of his daily exercise routines, he placed the bar of a heavy barbell set behind his neck; then he bent his waist forward. This error in exercise movement caused a spine injury. The pain in his back was so intense that he had to stay in a mechanically operated bed for several months in order to heal and recuperate.  

Like Bruce Lee, millions of people also suffer from lumbar pain.  San Diego upper cervical chiropractic has become a lifesaver for throngs of individuals who met an accident, had a disease, or experience congenital spine issues that cause all kinds of back discomfort.


Quick Anatomy of Our Lower Back

San Diego upper cervical chiropractic works not just to perform adjustments on the spine.  Practitioners of this all-natural, scientific spine care method also seek to educate people about their bodies and keep them healthy.

Upper cervical chiropractors can give you an overview of your lower back’s anatomy. For starters, here’s a few good-to-know information:

  • Our lower back or lumbar spine region comprises several vertebral bones, intervertebral discs, muscles, ligaments, nerves, and blood vessels.
  • Our lumbar spine is essential because of these functions:

– stabilizes or supports the entire body

– controls leg movements

– enables us to move our torso or trunk

– protects the spinal cord and the nerves attached to it


Why Do We Have Back Pain?

San Diego upper cervical chiropractic sessions also help educate people about why we experience back pain.  Some of the most common causes of back pain are:

  • Irritation and inflammation of nerves attached to the lumbar spine due to a traumatic accident, sports injury, or sitting too long
  • Injury in the nerves, ligaments, and bones in the lumbar region
  • Injury in the inter-vertebral discs (ex. bulging disc)
  • Strain or injury in the back muscles that cause muscle tension up to the lower back
  • Other spine-related problems

By far, many cases of back pain are common among people who engage in manual labor or very physical jobs like firefighters, those who work in construction, or people who lift heavy objects as part of their occupation. Even those who work in offices and sit behind desks for many hours are very prone to back pain. Of course, athletes also experience this kind of discomfort due to the physical toll of training or actual competition.


3 Ideas to Deal with Back Pain

Back pain can be very debilitating, causing a major disturbance in our work and daily lives. However, there are a number of ideas or ways to deal with it.  Here are three suggestions or options to consider when you need relief from back pain:

1. Anti-Inflammatory Medications

Most people who experience severe back pain for the first time reach out for pain relievers. Sometimes, the pain can be so intense that even the slightest body movement is almost impossible. The minutest movement could send jolts of pain up and down the spine, waist, buttocks, and legs.

As a stop-gap measure, taking over-the-counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is the immediate response.  With advice and prescription from a health care provider, a person with terrible back pain may take muscle relaxants and even topical pain relievers.  Some who are brought to the hospital get administered with certain narcotics to dull the excruciating pain.

2. Stretching Activities

Another great idea is to engage in light to moderate stretching exercises.  Enroll in a beginner’s yoga class or look for follow-along basic yoga videos on Youtube. During stretching, intervertebral bones of the lower spine are decompressed. This allows any pinched nerve to find relief, and, as a result, pain is also relieved. 

There are many simple, cost-free ways to do stretching, even at home.  The key is to focus on gently stretching the lower back muscles. Some of the more common back pain relief yoga poses include the:

  • Child Pose
  • Cobra or Snake Pose
  • The Pike or Downward-Facing Dog Pose
  • Locust Pose
  • Bridge Pose

Search for these poses on Youtube and other free video streaming services for your visual reference.

3. Chiropractic Solution

San Diego upper cervical chiropractic is now accepted as a viable alternative to medications to find relief for back pain.  Many people have a misalignment in their back, making them feel pain and other discomforts. Misalignment of the upper cervical bones in the spine can result in nerve impingement or compression, which is the common cause of back pain. Aside from lower back pain, misalignments can also lead to migraine, constipation, vertigo, and even depression.  

Here at Upper Cervical Chiropractic San Diego, we help address the pain caused by these spine misalignments. Call or contact us today to book a consultation with us.


To schedule a consultation with Upper Cervical Chiropractic San Diego, call 858-434-5926 or just click the button below.

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