Sciatica, Back Pain, Back Ache, Pinched NerveSciatica often presents with lower back pain on one side. This pain may be accompanied by numbness and tingling. Such tingling and pain may extend down through the leg. Where does this pain begin? You may be surprised.

Because the entire spine is connected, something that affects one part of the spine can be felt throughout. This is why a misalignment in the top two vertebrae of the neck can often result in lower back pain. You may relate this to how earthquakes occur. While we feel the effects on the surface, the movement is taking place underneath. Similarly, the part of your spine that hurts may not be the part that is out of alignment.

The top two vertebrae are vital to posture. Any misalignment of these bones, referred to as the Atlas and Axis, can affect the entire posture of a person, including the alignment of their hips. Such a shift can put pressure on the sciatic nerve and cause all of the symptoms of sciatica that were related above. To correct the situation, the underlying problem – the misalignment in the neck – needs to be corrected.


A Natural Sciatica Relief Care

People are often quick to cover pain rather than determine what is causing it. Thus, medications are usually prescribed to help a patient deal with pain. Not only do these not fix sciatica, but they also come with side effects. Is there a natural solution? Yes!

Upper cervical chiropractic care focuses on creating a healthy spine by keeping the C1 and C2 vertebrae aligned properly. Correcting misalignment in this part of the neck can allow the body to pull the hips back in line. This, in turn, takes the pressure off of the sciatic nerve causing a complete resolution of symptoms. Why not contact Dr. Mercedes Cook of San Diego, California to see if upper cervical chiropractic can help to relieve your pain? Dr. Cook specializes in diagnosing and relieving C1 and C2 misalignments.


To schedule a consultation with Upper Cervical Chiropractic San Diego, call 858-434-5926 or just click the button below.

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