10 Likely Reasons for Your Migraine Attacks

No matter how much you want to be free from migraines, sometimes you have no choice but to just bear it. At the very least, though, you would want to avoid what may cause your migraine attacks. These things are called triggers, and how you deal with them can influence your overall experience of the [...]

2023-10-28T06:40:17+00:00August 18th, 2019|Migraines|

14 Leading Migraine Triggers: Stress, Certain Foods, and More

“My head feels like it’s being crushed and it’s ready to burst.” That’s how one patient described the pain of migraines. Migraines can be debilitating to anyone suffering from them. The intense headache it brings can hamper a person’s daily activities and make someone bedridden until the pain goes away. But migraines are so much [...]

2023-10-28T06:47:52+00:00April 21st, 2019|Migraines|

An Effective Solution for Headache Pain

Headaches are very prevalent around the world, impacting nearly 46% of adults internationally. Headaches can be extremely challenging to deal with, and it can be even more difficult to find a solution that provides long-term results. Patients are not the only ones frustrated by this. Doctors struggle to find solutions too. Prescription drugs can bring [...]

2023-10-28T06:49:39+00:00December 16th, 2018|Headache|

Headaches Due to Head Trauma: What Can Be Done?

Headaches often follow trauma to the head. Did you know that it doesn’t have to be severe head trauma to cause headaches and other health issues? You may think of head trauma being done to football players when they tackle someone and end up unconscious. Or you may imagine someone being in a serious car [...]

2023-10-28T06:59:45+00:00August 19th, 2018|Headache, Migraines|

Migraines Linked to Increased Risk of Suicide

Migraines are a primary headache disorder known for recurrent headaches ranging from moderate to severe. Generally, only one side of the head is impacted, but in a third of the cases, both sides can be affected. The pain is throbbing and pulsating, lasting anywhere from 2 to 72 hours. Other symptoms may include nausea, vomiting, [...]

2023-10-28T07:09:29+00:00April 15th, 2018|Migraines|

Migraines and Dizziness: A Dangerous Combination

If you or someone you know suffers from migraines and dizziness, you understand just how debilitating they can be.  Sadly, this is the case for those who suffer from migraine-associated vertigo or MAV. This condition is also referred to as a vestibular migraine.   Getting to Know Migraines Migraines are one of the most disabling [...]

2023-10-28T07:15:50+00:00December 3rd, 2017|Migraines|

Migraine Care Options – What Works Best in San Diego, CA

Getting a migraine is a very common occurrence. In fact, many people – about 4 million US residents – have what is called a chronic migraine. This means that they have a migraine for more than 15 days during a 30-day period. A migraine is more than a bad headache. It is a neurological condition [...]

2023-10-28T07:20:53+00:00August 6th, 2017|Migraines|

Finding Relief for Children with Migraines in San Diego, CA

Seeing children with migraines is rare. Unfortunately, many parents and their kids don't know that it actually does happen. That's because whenever we think about migraines, we often associate it with adults.  While throbbing head pain is the symptom most often associated with a migraine, there are other symptoms as well. These are: Nausea and [...]

2023-10-28T07:21:08+00:00July 9th, 2017|Migraines|

Whiplash Injury and Neck Pain: What You Need to Know

When most of us hear the word whiplash, we think of a high-speed car accident with airbag deployment and maybe a trip to the hospital.  However, the truth is that an injury does not need to be spectacular to injure the tissues of the neck.  A whiplash injury is caused when the neck is forced [...]

2023-10-28T07:40:17+00:00April 16th, 2017|Whiplash|

How Proper Spinal Alignment May Bring Migraine Relief

Finding effective migraine relief is a top priority for anyone experiencing the throbbing or pulsating sensation in the head. Medications can offer some reprieve while one is undergoing an episode. However, unless the underlying cause of migraines is addressed, they will continue to occur. The good news is that there is a safe, natural, pain-free [...]

2023-10-28T07:38:43+00:00April 2nd, 2017|Migraines|

How San Diego Residents Are Coping Naturally with Migraines

Are you looking for natural relief for Migraines in San Diego? If your answer is yes, then you've come to the right place.  Migraines can sap a person’s energy leaving one unable to perform a normal daily routine. Around the globe, 46% of people have an active headache issue. In the United States, 10-12% cope [...]

2023-10-28T07:38:43+00:00March 12th, 2017|Migraines|

Vertigo and Migraines—A Debilitating Combination

When vertigo is accompanied by a migraine, it may be classified as a vestibular migraine, and it is extremely unpleasant. Women between the ages of 20 and 40 are most likely to be affected with this condition, although it can affect anyone. When women are coping with a vestibular migraine, stress and hormones can be [...]

2023-10-28T07:50:38+00:00January 14th, 2017|Migraines, Vertigo|

5 Common Causes of Neck Pain in San Diego, CA

Ever wondered about the causes of neck pain? It is estimated that 70% of people will experience neck pain at some point in their lives, and half to 85% of those people will have that pain recur within 5 years.  Neck pain can prevent us from doing many day-to-day tasks comfortably or safely, such as [...]

2023-10-28T07:56:17+00:00January 1st, 2017|Neck Pain|

5 Common Sources of Neck Pain

Neck pain is a very common problem, affecting almost everyone at some point in life.  Types of neck pain can range from a dull ache to sharp, shooting pain that can radiate down the arms and into the hands.  There are some common sources of neck pain, including: Muscle strain and tension Injuries, such as [...]

2023-10-28T07:55:43+00:00December 18th, 2016|Neck Pain|
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